Sunday, August 28, 2011

What a great week!

Friday, The Georgia group left to go back home.  During their devotionals, they discussed how they can continue their work back at home.  It is amazing on how God works on every volunteers heart...I know, speaking from experience.

We went to a few new places this week - well one's Justin and I had never been to.  We went to a special needs school - we saw some familiar faces - children from the special needs home (Santa Dortea). 

We had a great time. Justin and I even translated for the volunteers!!!!
They painted Faces

This is Angel Guevara...He has Cerebral Palsy and can sit up on his own.  His mother carries him back and forth to school each day.  They can not afford a wheel chair for him  We pray that God will provide a wheel chair so his mother can rest her arms for a short while. 

The group also went to Yanacancha Porcon Bajo which is about a 3 hour drive.  They held a clinic in one of the churches there.  The members of the church were not afraid to step up and help out.  What an experience!

Sunday, was our second day to have Children's Church.  We had 35 children show up...10 more kids!  God is good!  The Georgia group also held a clinic at the Monte Sion clinic, down the road from the church.  Justin and I recruited 4 teens from the church to come and help out.  Their job was to inform people who enter the clinic about the Monte Sion Church and the hours.  They also mentioned that we had a children's program.  Well, God continues to show us how wonderful he is.  More people - new people - came to church today!  An attendance increase that was desperately needed.  

Raquel, her sister, and Vivi helped out

We did a play on Genesis - God created the world and we should take care of it.

Playing ball with the children
Again, what a wonderful week.  Today was a great closure or more like a START to our week.  God is good.