Church needed in Huraclla (Cajamarca Peru)
Went last week to look at the property where some house church members want to build. On the way there we stopped at Gloria's house (the current church house) and picked her up so she could show us the property lines. She is a great lady and she looks like a normal Peruvian women. Gloria is far from normal, she is a warrior in her own battle field. I say this because half a block from her house the devil is currently building his own church. In another half block is the property where she dreams of training her fellow Christians and discipline them so they can fight the spiritual battle (just a half a block away). I guess those type of churches exist in the US, but down here they are extremely active. I have had them (different people) come to my house 3 or 4 times that I know of. The bad news for them is I can speak just enough Spanish to let them know that there is only one way and all others lead to destruction. I guess the thing that gets them to go ahead a leave is when I tell them "Ustedes hablan del Diablo y no Diablo beinvenido aqui." (Ya'll speak of the devil and it isn't welcome here). Probably not the correct "Missionary" response but what can I say except the truth.
The prayer of our fellow Christians is that they can raise the funds to build a church so they can share the truthful gospel. Here, as I said before, the false gospel is very active. You ever heard the scripture in the bible "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Matthew 7:15. Here that isn't a quote, it is the truth. Buildings are not what makes a church or what makes a Christian, but having one here as a tool/weapon for Gloria and her members could help make the difference.
If you would like to help, join us in prayer for this small group of believers in the mountains of Northern Peru.
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