Monte Sion and Villa Milagro have partnered up to support many ministries in Cajamarca. One new ministry is the Monte Sion Medical Clinic. This clinic is the only clinic in Cajamarca who will represent itself as a Christian Institution, designed to meet physical as well as spiritual illness. This clinic will also be the only clinic that will have home visits after villagers receive medical attention. It will be the only clinic that offers a Chaplain/ Pastoral counseling on site and in the homes. This clinic will be the only clinic that will treat absolute destitute people without any hope to pay for services.
The clinic is just under 9,000 sqft with 4 consulting rooms with private baths, 2 dental chairs, 4 bed overnight rooms, lab, operating room, portable x-ray, pharmacy, record/registration area, waiting room, chaplain office, evangelism/chapel room, private conference room, public restrooms with private water well, and an emergency backup electrical generator.